[Account Owner] Firm Settings: Logos, Invoices, Disclosures, Payment Periods, and More!
Depending on the permissions granted here, an Office Manager for an office may be able to designate different settings for the advisors within their office.
In This Article:
- Uploading a Custom Logo
- Payment Methods
- General Client Settings
- Annual Subscriptions
- Advisor Permissions
- Invoice Approvals
- Fee Escalation Approvals
- Invoice Date Ranges: In Advance or In Arrears
- Split/Rep Code
- Maximum Invoice Amounts
- Setting Maximum Payment Periods on Subscriptions
- Fee Calculations on Client Invoices
- Adding Additional Info
- Adding a Custom Disclosure to Invoices
- List of Services
Uploading a Custom Logo
Customize the AdvicePay experience for your clients by replacing the default AdvicePay logo with your own business logo!
Your custom logo will replace:
- The AdvicePay logo in the upper left hand corner of the AdvicePay portal for both you and your clients
- The large "INVOICE - #" header on all client invoices (including those already issued)
- The AdvicePay logo in emails to clients (new!)
Firm Managers can also grant custom logo upload permissions to all Full Access advisors on their account so that they can display a different logo to their clients.
To get started, head on over to Firm Settings > Company
1. Under Firm Logo, drag and drop your logo into the upload box, or click the box to bring up an upload window and select a file from your computer.
Accepted File Types: JPG, PNG, GIF | Size Limit: 1 MB
Need to make adjustments to your logo in order to upload it? You might try an online editor like Canva or Pixlr! To reduce your file size, you can use an image compression website like TinyJPG. 🙂
2. Use the Finalize Logo controls to crop and/or resize the logo if necessary by zooming in or out so that it fits within the rectangle selection box. Note that you can make the selection box larger or smaller as well!
3. Click the "✓" button in your control area to save and return to your settings. (To remove a logo at any time, just click the Delete link!)
4. Toggle the Allow advisors override logo image button to on and click Save if you'd like to give advisors the ability to upload their own custom logo. Toggle it to off (the default) if you don't want advisors to be able to upload their own logo. When set to off, the logo you upload will be displayed for all advisor invoices.
Payment Methods
There's now a way to allow your Advisors to pay with checks and select this as an option during the invoice creation process. In addition, you can also allow them to choose other payments as an option when a payment was made outside of AdvicePay.
General Client Settings
Allow advisors to create, edit, or delete clients all in one single Firm setting here:
Allowing Checks
There is now a way to allow clients to pay via check and an option for Advisors to select this when creating an invoice or subscription.
To allow Advisors in your firm to use this option, turn the toggle "on" under Firm settings, invoice, and Payment methods. Once toggled "on" the Firm Settings, the box will allow you to add any firm specifics of where a check can be sent to display to clients when they go to pay. This information is only edited in the Home Office Firm settings and can be updated and changed as needed, to include a physical address, someone to reach out to with an email, or simply what to do if they want to pay with a check.
When toggled on the box will show as below:
If you want the Home Office to also submit via this check option, the additional toggle must be turned "on" under the Account owner's Account Settings, Invoice, and Payment Methods for Checks.
Once on in the firm settings, Advisors' accounts will be available to use checks but will default to be "off" in their Account settings. To allow checks to be an option when sending invoices or subscriptions, they must toggle it on by clicking on checks(green).
Once done, the invoice/subscription creation page will display this option to choose from:
Checks can then be submitted to the invoice via the Online Check Deposit option or Marked as Paid depending on the firm workflow.
External Payments
This setting allows Advisors to be able to disable all payment methods when payments will be collected outside of AdvicePay, otherwise known as "other Payment Method" in the user interface.
When toggling this on, this presents Advisors with the option during the invoice creation process to select "Other Payment Method" as an option.
The toggle will appear as "other payment methods" located below credit cards as below in the invoice creation process:
These invoices created with this toggle will need to be Marked as Paid by the Advisor when payments are submitted. Clients are not expected to submit payments through AdvicePay when this option is selected. In addition, email notifications will be a courtesy only and will not be a payment request.
Annual Subscriptions
By default, we do not offer annual billing as a subscription frequency because of current regulations in the industry. However, if you'd like to make annual subscription billing available within your firm, you can do so at Firm Settings > Invoice > Annual Subscriptions.
1. To enable, toggle Allow advisors to bill annual subscriptions to on. (Default is off.)
2. Confirm you want to allow annual billing.
Setting approvals and limits on annual subscriptions can now be done on this same page under Invoice Approvals and Maximum Invoice Amount!
Advisor Permissions
By default, we allow Advisors to pause/extend paused subscriptions as well as edit existing invoices and subscriptions.
By default, all Advisors in AdvicePay will not have the ability to see the Arrival Date on invoice payments that are completed. If you prefer to have more control over this and would like to share this information with your Advisors, we have a setting that can do just that! 💥
If you'd like to disable/enable these options, you can do so at Firm Settings > Invoice > Advisor Permissions.
Invoice Approvals
Invoice Approvals allow your advisors with billing permissions (Managing and Standard) to request payments from clients under your review. Any invoices meeting the criteria you set will require approval from you or a firm-level Admin before being sent to the client.
To set limits on invoice amounts for all advisors on your account, go to Firm Settings > Invoice and find Invoice Approvals.
1. Select Approve all invoices to require approval for every advisor-requested invoice, or Select invoices to specify limits for one or more invoice types.
If you choose Select Invoices, enter in the dollar threshold advisors can bill on Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-annual, Annual (if enabled), and/or One-time invoices before requiring approval from you or a firm Admin.
2. To remove all approval requirements, select Disable.
Account Owners and their Admin users are not subject to invoice approvals when requesting a payment.
Did you know? This feature can be combined with the Maximum Amount feature, or used alone! To use them together, please be sure that if setting specific invoice approval limits, they are less than the corresponding maximum amount limits. Advisors cannot request a payment/receive approval for any invoice greater than the number set under Invoice Maximum Amount.
Manage Approval Email Notifications
By default the Account Owner and their firm Admin users will receive both an instant notification when an invoice/subscription is submitted, as well as a batch daily summary of approvals needed.
To manage this, head to Firm Settings > Emails & Notifications > Approvals:
📍 How to approve or reject invoices
Fee Escalation Approvals
To require firm approval for subscriptions created or edited to include an automatic annual fee escalation, toggle Fee Escalations to on. (Default is off.)
You can also select which type of escalations advisors can perform (if any): flat amounts, percentages, and/or CPI
Both Account Owners and their Admin users are able to review and approve or reject subscriptions with escalations. These users will also receive a daily summary via email every morning at 5 a.m. MST notifying them if there are pending items that require review.
📍 Read more about fee escalations and the approval process!
Billing in Advance or Arrears
By default the invoice date range on subscription (recurring) invoices is Bill in advance. To change your invoice date range settings for yourself and all advisors on your firm account, go to Firm Settings > Invoice, select Bill in advance or Bill in arrears.
When you or an advisor requests a subscription payment, the default invoice date range will look forward or backward based on your settings here.
Updates to this setting will change the date range on future subscriptions that are issued. It will not change the date range on historical invoices.
If Allow advisors to bill in arrears or bill in advance on a per invoice basis is toggled on, both you and advisors on your account will also have the option to individually adjust whether a subscription should bill in advance or arrears during the payment request process.
Rep Code
To give your firm the ability to internally designate that payments are assigned to a particular advisor, or in some cases split between different advisors, you can enable a Rep Code setting.
If this setting is enabled, users with billing permissions will see the Rep Code field when creating a one-time or subscription invoice. They will have the opportunity to enter their internal rep code (or even a percent split between one or more advisors if you have selected the Advanced setup).
Rep codes will display as a column on your firm's Transaction Report and on the Invoices Report.
📍 Read here for a full tutorial on how to set up rep codes!
Maximum Invoice Amounts
To set limits on invoice amounts for all advisors on your account, go to Firm Settings > Invoice and toggle the Set limits to the amount that advisors can charge a client button to on!
Enter in the maximum dollar amount advisors can bill on Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-annual, Annual (if enabled), and/or One-time invoices.
You do not need to set limits for every category! For example, if you do not want to set a maximum limit on one-time invoices, you can leave it blank.
To remove/reset all amounts, toggle the Set limits to the amount that advisors can charge a client button to off.
Setting Maximum Payment Periods on Subscriptions
By default all advisor subscriptions will automatically continue billing clients indefinitely unless you set a maximum subscription length.
To force a required end date to subscriptions on all advisor accounts, go to Firm Settings > Invoice. Click the up or down arrows to set subscription lengths (available in intervals of 6 months).
Example: A maximum subscription length of 12 months will mean that anytime a monthly subscription invoice is created, the number of billing periods will be limited to 12 or less. A quarterly subscription will be limited to 4 periods. A semi-annual subscription will be limited to 2 periods.
Fee Calculation on Client Invoices
If a Fee Calculator is used when creating a client's invoice, by default the calculation will display on client's invoices.
To hide the calculation from all client invoices firm-wide, go to Firm Settings > Invoice > Fee Calculation and toggle Show the fee calculation on all invoices firm-wide to off:
Adding Additional Information to Invoices
Under Firm Settings > Invoice > Additional Information you can include other details to appear on all invoices firm-wide, such as a company address or phone number! (There is no character limit.)
To enable Offices and/or Managing & Standard advisors to edit, replace, or add their own details for their client's invoices, toggle Enable advisors and offices to include their own additional information to on.
If using Offices and you have an assigned Office Manager, the Office Manager can then set custom text for all client invoices just under that Office! They can also prevent advisors from setting their own individualized custom text.
Adding a Custom Disclosure to an Invoice
Include your own legal disclosure when invoicing clients under the Firm Settings > Invoice > Invoice Disclosure section. This language will appear at the bottom of every client invoice -- including those already issued!
You may also choose whether Full Access advisors can provide their own disclosure language.
To add custom disclosure language and enter your text in the box. (There are no hard character limits.)
2. Toggle the Enable advisors to write their own disclosures button to on if you'd like to give advisors the ability to write their own disclosures.
Toggle it to off (the default) if you don't want advisors to be able to write their own disclosures.
When set to off, the custom disclosure you provide will be displayed on all advisor invoices.
List of Services
Save your standard service descriptions to speed up payment requests!
Firm-wide Service Descriptions
To enter a service description for inclusion on invoices requested by any firm user, go to Firm Settings > Invoice > Description of Service, select New Service Description, enter a brief title and the description.
To change an existing description, click Edit. To remove a description, click the X button.
By default firm advisors cannot create their own description of services. Toggle the Enable advisors and reps to add/edit their own descriptions button to on to allow advisors to use their own descriptions.
To enter your own personal service description for inclusion on invoices requested by you, go to Account Settings > Invoice, select New Service Description, enter a brief title and the description.
Alternative Method
Personal descriptions can also be added, edited, or deleted when creating a client invoice!
To add a description this way:
1. Go to Create New and type in your desired text/title under Description of Services.
2. Press enter/return to finish creating the new description. This will open up a modal window where you can further add to or edit the description as needed.
Optional: If you want to be sure to save the description to your list of services for future use, you'll want to toggle Save description for use later to on:
To edit/delete descriptions while creating invoices, click the Description of Services drop down menu and hover over existing description titles to see the Edit and Delete options: