[Account Owner] Client Report

For a broad report of all clients on your account, including not only profile information but also key subscription and one-time invoice data, head to Clients in your left-hand sidebar!

By using the  Filter function you can restrict your view to the payment method types, then export the invoices into an Excel report or as PDFs.

Once you click on the filter, the Default Payment Method Type will show. From there you can select click the dropdown on it and click on the desired default payment methods to show in the filtered results for your clients.

Once filtered, you can also export those clients if needed.

Click Export in top right-hand corner to export the report in Excel format:

Items shown on the export include:

  • Client Email 
  • Client First Name 
  • Client Last Name 
  • Display Name
  • Advisor Name 
  • Client Created Date (date added to AdvicePay)
  • Status (Active/Inactive -- an "Inactive" status means the client was deleted)
  • Default Payment Method (ACH, CC, none)
  • Active Subscription Count 
  • Unpaid Invoice Count 
  • Total Revenue 
  • Revenue YTD 
  • Next Subscription Bill Date (only populated once the current invoice billed is updated to Paid and the upcoming invoice is generated)
  • Next Subscription Bill Amount (only populated once the current invoice billed is updated to Paid and the upcoming invoice is generated)
  • Next One-time Invoice Due Date 
  • Next One-time Invoice Amount 
  • Past Due Invoice (True/False) 
  • Failed Payment (True/False) 
  • Client Attributes (each attribute created is listed in its own column; protected attributes will not be displayed)

Both Account Owners and Firm Admin/Analyst users can access this download for clients firm-wide!

All advisors with login access can download this report for their assigned clients, and Managing Advisors can download the report for all clients in their Office.

Looking for more report options?

We have you covered! Check out the following exports:

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