[Account Owner] How to Send Documents Out for Signature (Dropbox Sign)

Sending a document for signature can be done by bundling it with a payment request, or sending it by itself!

Please note: All signature request email links do expire after 30 days. To refresh the link, please send a reminder on the document or share the URL link from inside AdvicePay.The URL will only show if there is a payment request attached.

Please note: Dropbox Sign no longer supports using Safari 11 or below and will no longer work in Internet Explorer 11. We suggest using Chrome or Firefox.

To send the document with a payment request:

We recommend this method for easily and efficiently moving your prospects or clients on to payment after everyone has signed the document!

Once the document is complete your client will be instantly notified of the invoice and/or subscription and have the ability to make payment (without any additional work needed by you).

It is also ideal for automatically pulling in invoice/subscription data on the document itself if you've taken advantage of setting up auto-filled fields. Once filled into the first box it will auto-fill the rest of the same boxes needing that information.

To get started:

1. Add any document template while setting up an invoice request, or from your  Documents page, click Create New at the top right of the screen:

2. Select the Client, Engagement (option will appear if 2+ Engagement templates have been created) and click Add eSign Document

If you're using an Engagement through your firm where the uploading of a "wet" signed document (e.g. document that was already signed out of AdvicePay) is available, you will have the option to select Upload Document instead of using an eSign template to obtain signatures electronically:

Here you can upload up to 6 PDFs with a maximum size of 5 MB each.

You will also need to select a Signed Date.

From here, skip to Step 4 below!

3. Under eSign Document, click the drop-down menu and select your desired document template. To change the signing order the Enable signing order must be toggled.

3a. If your template requires additional signees,  select their name from the drop-down menu (available for any account user for your firm, including additional login users that clients have added to their own accounts). 

  • If you have a role name with any variation of the word "client" in it, only clients and their login users will display in the drop-down.
  • If you have a role name with "advisor" in it, only advisors within an Office (or entire firm for the Account Owner) will display in the drop-down.

Or,  manually enter the signee's name + email address if they are not a user that has been added to AdvicePay! Documents can be sent to anyone outside of AdvicePay if allowed by your Enterprise firm.

See below on how to add a manual user as long as the firm allows this:

If your firm has disabled the ability to create signers, you'll be required to select an existing AdvicePay user from the drop down. However, if needed you can still be able to edit the email to override where the document is sent! Just note that the document will still be visible in the user's normal AdvicePay account if they log in.

3b. To remove a role that isn't necessary at this time, the role on the template would need to be optional, and then to remove it, click the  X button next to their listing.

3c. To require signees to sign in a particular order, toggle  Enable signing order to on.

Tip: If the document in use has a signing order that was set at the template level, the toggle will already be set to on and the correct order will be displayed automatically!

Click on the gray box with the three dots at the left of each signer, and drag the entries to move them to first/middle/last in line if needed.

When signing order is enabled, each signee will then be prompted via email when it is their turn to sign the document! 

To receive a notification email each time a signee completes their signature, as well as a notice when all signatures have been obtained, go to  Account Settings > Emails & Notifications > Advisor Notifications and toggle  Document Signed to on.

4. Proceed by selecting Attach Invoice and filling out the invoice/subscription information as normal.

When finished, select  Finish > Send via email through AdvicePay. Your client (and any additional signees) will receive emails guiding them to sign the document. Once the document is signed by all signees, the client will be notified to make their payment!

Tip: When a document is attached to a payment request, the invoice cannot be paid until the document is successfully signed by all signees.  If you did not elect "Send via email through AdvicePay," signees will not be notified that there is a document to sign. To notify everyone about the document, you will want to go to  Documents and select  Send Reminder for the document that needs signatures.

πŸ‘‰ Read more about how emails work with eSign documents!

To send a standalone document:

1. From your  Documents page, click  Create New.

2.  Select the ClientEngagement (option will appear if 2+ Engagement templates have been created) and click Add eSign Document

If you're using an Engagement through your firm where the uploading of a "wet" signed document (e.g. document that was already signed out of AdvicePay) is available, you will have the option to select Upload Document instead of using an eSign template to obtain signatures electronically:

Here you can upload up to 6 PDFs with a maximum size of 5 MB each.

You will also need to select a Signed Date.

From here, skip to Step 4 below!

3. Under eSign Document, click the drop down menu and select your desired document template.

3a. If your template requires additional signees,  select their name from the drop-down menu (available for any account user for your firm, including additional login users that clients have added to their own accounts). 

  • If you have a role name with any variation of the word "client" in it, only clients and their login users will display in the drop-down.
  • If you have a role name with "advisor" in it, only advisors within an Office (or the entire firm for the Account Owner) will display in the drop-down.

Or, manually enter the signee's name + email address if they are not a user that has been added to AdvicePay! Documents can be sent to anyone outside of AdvicePay if allowed by your Enterprise firm.

If your firm has disabled the ability to create signers, you'll be required to select an existing AdvicePay user from the drop-down. However, if needed you can still edit the email to override where the document is sent! Just note that the document will still be visible in the user's normal AdvicePay account if they log in.

3b. To remove a role that isn't necessary at this time, click the  X  next to their listing. This must be done with the Enable Signing order "on.'

Tip: If the document in use has a signing order that was set at the template level, the toggle will already be set to "on" and the correct order will be displayed automatically!

When signing order is enabled, each signee will then be prompted via email when it is their turn to sign the document! 

Click and drag the entries to move them to first/middle/last in line if needed:

To receive a notification email each time a signee completes their signature, as well as a notice when all signatures have been obtained, go to   Account Settings > Emails & Notifications > Advisor Notifications and toggle Document Signed to on.

4. Proceed by selecting Skip Invoice.

5. On the final review screen, select Send Document. Signees will receive emails guiding them to sign the document. If signing order is enabled, each signee will then be prompted via email when it is their turn to sign the document! 

To receive a notification email each time a signee completes their signature, as well as a notice when all signatures have been obtained, go to   Account Settings > Emails & Notifications > Advisor Notifications and toggle  Document Signed to on.

πŸ‘‰ Read more about how emails work with eSign documents!

Does your client or their partner/spouse need help signing? Here's an article you can send to them that will help them through it!

Yes, a document link will expire after 30 days. While payment request links don’t expire, since signature request links expire after 30 days, if a signature request was sent with the payment request β€” it would be subject to the 30-day expiration because the document must be signed first.

If the document was sent out for signature over 30 days ago, you can go to Document Vault. Documents and select Send Reminder from the dropdown to the right of it so a new link is generated and sent via email to required signers.

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