[Read Only] Subscription Report

If you're curious to know when a subscription was created or if it's still active, we have a subscription report just for that!

The Subscription page is located in your sidebar ( Transactions > Subscriptions) contains all individual subscriptions in one location! You can use this page to easily find and manage things like:

  • All failed subscriptions
  • Upfront payments on subscriptions
  • Past Due subscriptions
  • Next bill date
  • Paid subscriptions with a specific Description of Service
  • Subscriptions created for a client during a specific time period
  • Subscriptions created by an advisor during a specific time period
  • And more!

By using the Filter function you can restrict your view to a variety of specific scenarios, then export the invoices into an Excel report.

How to Filter Subscriptions:

1. Click the Filters button

2. Click a Category's drop down arrow to reveal its filtering options. Select or enter the information you want to see. Once selected you'll see this information filtered automatically. (You can fill out any number of categories to narrow your view even further!)

Tip: The Descriptions of Service category allows you to select subscriptions associated with saved descriptions under "List of services" at Firm Settings > Invoice and/or Account Settings > Invoice.

  1. To download the report, click on the Export button.

Items shown on the Excel export include:

  • ID
  • Created Date
  • Client Name
  • Client Email
  • Client ID
  • Advisor Name
  • Advisor Email
  • Advisor ID
  • Status
  • Engagement name
  • Engagement ID
  • Total Revenue
  • Year to Date revenue
  • Next Bill Date
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Frequency
  • Amount
  • Description of Service
  • Client attributes (if applicable: tags, multi tags)

4. To clear your filters/start over from scratch, select Filters > Reset Filters

One thing to note about filtering is that only the fields in the items listed below in "Items shown on the Excel export include" will be exported), other filters are only visually filtered in the user interface (UI).

Filter Options


  • Completed
  • Paused
  • Failed
  • Active
  • Inactive
  • Past Due
  • Canceled

Client (select option in dropdown)

Advisor(select option in dropdown)

Next Bill Date (select from and to in dropdown)

Amount (enter Amount Max and Amount Min)

Start Date (select from and to in dropdown)

Description of Services (select options in dropdown)

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