How to Handle a Certificate Expiration for Linked Integrations on your AdvicePay Account

Important: This email will only be sent to the Account Owner, and Developer accounts on the AdvicePay Subscription's account. Individual advisors will not receive this email on the account.

When a certificate expires with any of our integration partners that are linked with your AdvicePay account, we are now sending an email 7 days before the expiration, 1 day before the expiration, and once the certification expires.

To provide you time to update the certifications on your end and remind you thereafter, we will be sending an email with the copy as below before then after it expires as below:

“Hi [Name],

The certificate for [firm name] on AdvicePay’s [demo/staging/production] server will expire in X days on [date]. Please upload a new certificate by the expiration date to avoid any loss of functionality. For questions, please reach out to

Any developer user within your firm can manage your certificates by logging into AdvicePay at [website URL based on server].

Once the certificates do expire, we will also send an email to help remind you that they need to be updated as soon as possible.

The email copy below will be sent once it has expired on your account:

“Hi [Name],

The certificate for [firm name] on AdvicePay’s [demo/staging/production] has expired as of [date]. Please upload a new certificate immediately. For questions, please reach out to

Any developer user within your firm can manage your certificates by logging into AdvicePay at [website URL based on server].

Certifications should be able to be updated right inside your AdvicePay account by your developer team. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to support@advicepay.

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