[Read Only] Client Report

For a broad report of all clients on your account, including not only profile information but also key subscription and one-time invoice data, head to Clients in your left-hand sidebar!

Click Export in top right-hand corner to export the report in Excel format:

Items shown on the export include:

  • Client Email 
  • Client First Name 
  • Client Last Name 
  • Display Name
  • Advisor Name 
  • Client Created Date (date added to AdvicePay)
  • Status (Active/Inactive -- an "Inactive" status means the client was deleted)
  • Active Subscription Count 
  • Unpaid Invoice Count 
  • Total Revenue 
  • Revenue YTD 
  • Next Subscription Bill Date (only populated once the current invoice billed is updated to Paid and the upcoming invoice is generated)
  • Next Subscription Bill Amount (only populated once the current invoice billed is updated to Paid and the upcoming invoice is generated)
  • Next One-time Invoice Due Date 
  • Next One-time Invoice Amount 
  • Past Due Invoice (True/False) 
  • Failed Payment (True/False) 
  • Client Attributes (each attribute created by the firm is listed in its own column; protected attributes will not be displayed)

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