[Account Owner] Redtail

Important: if the firm requires closed SSO login and disabling direct login is "on", Advisors cannot integrate with Redtail since they will not have AdvicePay credentials.

Within a client record on Redtail you’re able to create a client in AdvicePay or link it to an existing one. From there, any linked clients' AdvicePay invoices sync, allowing you to view them in Redtail!

To set up your integration:

1. From your Top Right Menu Bar in Redtail, click  Manage Your Integrations under the account name: 

2. Look for the AdvicePay integration and click to enable ("On")!

3. From Redtail's Manage Integrations page, click Settings from AdvicePay's Actions menu:

You'll then see the below: 

Click the Authorize Access button. You'll be prompted to enter your credentials and to Allow Access. 

After doing each of these, the integration setup is complete!

Within Redtail you're now able to:

  • Create a client in AdvicePay
  • Link to an existing AdvicePay client within AdvicePay
  • Click the ‘View Client’ button to open the client within your AdvicePay account
  • Click the invoice link under the ‘Invoice ID’ -- this will open the invoice page for this linked contact within AdvicePay
  • Click a direct download link for the PDF of the specific invoice

Tip: If Redtail passes in the email address when linking to an existing AdvicePay client and neither the client nor the client's additional login users have set up banking information or registered their account, their email address in AdvicePay will changed.

📍 For more detailed instructions on working with the integration from within Redtail, visit Redtail's help article.

To see what the integration looks like in action, we invite you to take a peek at this AdvicePay/Redtail Best Practice Partner Spotlight video. You'll learn how to expertly handle payments and track client billing preferences using both AdvicePay and the Redtail CRM!

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